Trans Self-Compassion Community

Holding the Hard Together

Welcome to Trans Self-Compassion!

TSC is a virtual community for Two-Spirit, Trans, & Nonbinary (2STGNB) adults, as well as trans-centering, trans-competent mental health providers of all genders.

The Trans Self-Compassion ( TSC ) community centers & celebrates transness, while intentionally working to build shame resilience and strengthen self-compassion. Let’s move toward gender liberation together as the unique and fabulously imperfect humans that we are.


TSC will be making some changes in response to community feedback. Stay tuned and keep an eye for the newsletter updates.

  • Support & connection in a trans-centered space;

    Awareness of the importance of your role in racial, body, and gender liberation;

    Strive to lean into vulnerability during tough moments & model humility; 

    Seek to strengthen self-compassion and build shame resilience;

    Hope to connect, reflect, and grow for yourself, as well as in relationship with others

    Various weekly, monthly, & quarterly opportunities to engage, participate, & connect both on and off the platform. 

  • Live events, workshops, challenges, connection spaces, & learning sessions

    Monthly & weekly themes, Q&A and resource sharing

    Expanding resource library on topics specific to racial, gender, and body liberation

    (note: schedule of offerings & upcoming events will be announced quarterly. events will be recorded when possible and available for a limited time after.)

  • 2STGNB Community members

    2STGNB Mental Health Providers 

    Trans-Centering Mental Health Providers (of all genders)

    (note: these could expand depending on member interest and identifying a volunteer moderator with lived experience, e.g., for B.I.POC + 2STGNB)

    Additionally, for any events/offerings that are not included in the membership, TSC members will be given ‘early bird’ access and priority registration, as well as discounted rates whenever possible. 

Community Benefits & Offerings

The Trans Self-Compassion community brings together:

  • Two-Spirit, trans, nonbinary (2STGNB) adults

  • 2STGNB identified mental health providers

  • Trans-Competent Cisgender mental health providers

…who are seeking an intentional space that centers 2STGNB voices; values Black/racial, fat/body, & trans/gender liberation; and actively seeks to 'hold the hard' stuff.

This community seeks to strengthen the self-compassion and shame resilience of its members through:

  • mindful noticing and curiosity about our instinctive responses during moments of shame;

  • deconstructing the systems, patterns, & voices that send messages of being 'too much' or 'not enough;'

  • modeling vulnerability and courage to lean into discomfort during difficult moments;

  • understanding how shame shows up in our bodies, relationships, identities, and various roles; and

  • moving through shame moments while being both “generous & generative,” (Kaba & Hassan)

So that we can move toward gender, racial, and body liberation together; more effectively hold the hard things and reach out when needed; and improve our ability to support & respond to others who are experiencing shame triggers.

  • NOTE: Subscriptions are currently on pause while adjustments are made to the community space! More info coming soon, look for programming updates soon.

Values of Trans Self-Compassion

  • Trans-Centering

    Value of affirming and centering the voices of Two-Spirit, Trans, & Nonbinary (2STGNB) people and all of the beautiful intersections within ourselves, our brains, and our bodies.

  • Self-Compassion

    Belief that we are worthy of belonging and to be more compassionate with ourselves and others. Allowing space for authentic and difficult conversations through accountability, while also minimizing shame and blame.

  • Liberation

    Recognition that we cannot experience gender liberation without racial and body liberation. Learning, reflecting, and growing together to heal from trans-negativity, anti-Blackness, and fat-negativity.

About addyson

For years, I struggled to find spaces where I could be fully seen and be in a community with other community members and trans-centering providers who understood my passion for shame work.

So…. I began creating those spaces through my clinical & professional work, while dreaming of the possibility of someday offering a community space.

Trans Self-Compassion Community (TSC) is here!

I facilitate/host Trans Self-Compassion focused offerings for connection & reflection, so we can do the work of racial, body, & gender liberation while battling shame messages through self-compassion and accountability.

Dr. addyson tucker sitting by a tree

As a neurodivergent, queer, nonbinary person and a trans-centering therapist, I've both witnessed and experienced the harms of shame as it coats every aspect of our lives. Not only does this come up within my clinical work with my trans and nonbinary clients, but it is also pervasive within the culture of affirming work for clinicians and providers of all genders. 

Previous Offerings


Interested in the TSC Workshop?