Fat-Affirming Therapy

Radical Healing Your Relationship with Your Body with a Body Positive, Sex Positive, & Fat Positive Therapist

You've come so far in your healing from diet culture. You are much kinder to yourself now.

Sometimes, you still feel uncomfortable and unattractive. On those days, it is a slippery slope and harder to remind yourself,  


Holidays are often triggering with family gatherings centered around food and self-deprecating body comments (and you can't talk about anything emotional with them anyway). 

You don't engage in conversations about your body or food choices at work, but you continue to overhear fat-negative and diet-focused comments.

When a coworker says they have "let themselves go" or that they ate "too much [insert taboo food]" the night before, someone jumps in to reassure, " you're not fat!" and “you can start eating 'healthy' again tomorrow.”

It’s so frustrating when others don’t realize how this impact people recovering from years of yo-yo dieting and weight change, as if they are afraid to look like you.

You’ve been thinking about seeking more support in your continued journey of radical body acceptance, because

you’d like to feel less alone during these tough moments.

I’m addyson, a white, queer, and nonbinary clinician who values providing inclusive therapy through lenses of racial, body, & gender liberation.

I support queer, trans, and nonbinary adults who have been on a journey of healing from internalized fat negativity, working to free themselves from the shame-related messages in diet culture.


I specialize in supporting queer, nonbinary, and trans adults seeking Black/racial, Trans/gender, and Fat/body liberation.

Through self-compassion and shame resilience work, I help people to actively create and integrate experiences of pleasure, satisfaction, and nurturing through their relationships with their self and body, as well as with other people. We will also hold space for the history of how fatness came to be viewed as undesirable, stemming from anti-Blackness. 

As a small fat, nonbinary person who is in recovery from diet culture and internalized fat stigma, I am aware of the harmful impact on our bodies, whether intentional or not. 

Those diet culture and internalized fat-negative voices can sound super loud, even when you're in a really good place in your radical body love and acceptance journey. 

To be clear, I am not a dietitian or a medical doctor who can make recommendations about what nutrients and types of food are best for your body. However, I’m aware of the pervasive history of fat stigma and fat negativity within the medical, dietetics, and nutrition fields. 

I wholeheartedly support models that actively work to counteract 'wellness' and diet culture, including Health at Every Size, Intuitive Eating, and Fat/Body Liberation movements. 

Note that I do not have extensive experience or training working with those who are actively engaging in restrictive or disordered eating behaviors that are putting their bodies at physical risk. 

However, I understand that especially for trans and nonbinary people, modifying body size and shape can be affirming, even if a temporary way to manage the intensity of discomfort in one’s body.

If you want to continue healing from internalized fat stigma and body shame with an anti-diet and fat affirming therapist, let's connect!

You deserve to embody the truth that you are enough.

Get started by inquiring about a free phone consult here!

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